
Some example, come from the bloks test


The authentification will be not explain here, because the authentification and authorization come from anyblok_pyramid

For the authorization the name of the resource is defined by the attribute resource_name or model

The querystring

The querystring of the url is parsed by the validator


the element in the query string are:

  • offset=0: add an offset in the query

  • limit=20: limit the result

  • filter[fieldname][operator]=value: the filters are seen with an AND condition between them

    • fieldname: name of the field, is also been a path of relation ship: name1.name2

    • operator: operator of the confition

      • eq
      • like
      • ilike
      • lt
      • lte
      • gt
      • gte
      • in
      • or-like
      • or-ilike
      • or-lt
      • or-lte
      • or-gt
      • or-gte


      for in and or-.. the value is a string with , to separate the values

  • ~filter[fieldname][operator]=value: the ~ mean not

  • context[key]=value: add context for some filter


    the context is use with an adater

  • tag=value: add a speficic filter


    the tag is use with an adater

  • tags=value1,value2,...: add the speficics filters


    the tags is use with an adater

Create simple CRUD resource

Exemple model:

from anyblok import Declarations
from anyblok.column import Integer, String

class Example():
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(label="Name", unique=True, nullable=False)

CRUD resource based on the example model:

from anyblok_pyramid_rest_api.crud_resource import (
    CrudResource, resource)
from anyblok_pyramid import current_blok

@resource(collection_path='/examples', path='/examples/{id}',
class ExampleResource(CrudResource):
    model = 'Model.Example'

This exemple create a CRUD based on the paths:

  • /examples: The collection path
    • post: The body waiting a list of element to create
    • get: Return a list of element filtered by the querystring
    • put: Replace all element in the list by new values
    • patch: Update all element in list
    • delete: Delete the elements in the list
  • /examples/{id}: element path: here id is the primary key of example
    • get: Return a formated element
    • put: Replace the element by new values
    • patch: Update the element
    • delete: Delete the element

the serialization and deserialization of the request is done by AnyBlok Marshmallow. The schema is auto generated in function of the Model

Create CRUD with complex schema

Address models:

from anyblok import Declarations
from anyblok.column import Integer, String
from anyblok.relationship import Many2One, Many2Many

Model = Declarations.Model

class City:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(nullable=False)
    zipcode = String(nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<City(name={!r})>'.format(self=self)

class Tag:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Tag(name={!r})>'.format(self=self)

class Customer:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(nullable=False)
    tags = Many2Many(model=Declarations.Model.Tag)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Customer(name={!r}, tags={self.tags!r})>'.format(

class Address:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    street = String(nullable=False)
    city = Many2One(model=Declarations.Model.City, nullable=False)
    customer = Many2One(
        model=Declarations.Model.Customer, nullable=False,
        foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'}, one2many="addresses")


from anyblok_marshmallow import SchemaWrapper
from marshmallow import validates_schema, ValidationError
from anyblok_marshmallow.fields import Nested

class CitySchema(SchemaWrapper):
    model = 'Model.City'

class TagSchema(SchemaWrapper):
    model = 'Model.Tag'

class AddressSchema(SchemaWrapper):
    model = 'Model.Address'

    class Schema:
        # follow the relationship Many2One and One2One
        city = Nested(CitySchema)

class CustomerSchema(SchemaWrapper):
    """Schema for 'Model.Customer'
    model = 'Model.Customer'

    class Schema:
        # follow the relationship One2Many and Many2Many
        # - the many=True is required because it is *2Many
        # - exclude is used to forbid the recurse loop
        addresses = Nested(AddressSchema, many=True, exclude=('customer', ))
        tags = Nested(TagSchema, many=True)

        def check_unknown_fields(self, data, original_data):
            unknown = set(original_data) - set(self.fields)
            if unknown:
                raise ValidationError('Unknown field', unknown)

CRUD resource based on the address model and the schema:

from anyblok_pyramid_rest_api.crud_resource import (
    CrudResource, resource)
from anyblok_pyramid import current_blok

class AddressResourceV3(CrudResource):
    model = 'Model.Example'
    default_schema = AddressSchema